www: Write What you knoW


For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope: for a living dog is better than a dead lion.

Ecclesiastes 9:4, The Bible

In this Wild Wide Web we surf through, all the distractions around us can derail us from remembering the true purpose of the web: expressing what you know and learning from the expression of others.

Recently I have been reading Weaving the Web by Tim Burners-Lee and I have been blown away. The stress that seems to keep recurring in the book is the concept of making things universal, simple and easy to use. Those traits indeed did make the web as accessible as it is today, a free playground for all who are interested.

And it is important that we remember that. It was made for us all, there is no need to gatekeep. The plurality of choices on the web has made us get to where we are now. We are standing on the shoulders of giants by using technology that we didn't build but many put effort to make so that we can all contribute to this wonderful world we live in.

We are the color of the world; each voice paints a different shade. All our voices should not be followed, but at least be heard. And that's why I'm happy I can be heard on this side of the web, my little corner. Blogging is so empowering as it just allows you to express yourself free of too many rules.

And that's part of the reason I'm blogging right now. I don't have to prepare content to be perfect all the time. Sometimes, I could just put down exactly what flows from my head. Whether it's carefully thought out, or just ramblings and thoughts from my naive brain, I still have a medium of expression, and I can do it on my own terms, with my data, with a place I could call home online.

The bottom line

If you can't own your own website from scratch, use a content management system (CMS). If you don't like that, then use a static site generator (SSG) to build your blog. If you can't do any of those things or you don't want to be bothered with that, then go ahead and release on social media sites (if you must! I prefer other ways).

But don't stop writing, don't stop making content, or videos, or music, or whatever you do. The web would not be what it is if it didn't allow for unique voices. Keep the web weird!

Poem: Test
This is just a test I wrote
To see if this would work.
I've got to try this out real quick
And hurry back to work.

Still on break so I could take
My time to pen these words;
I hope this works but if it don't
I got a lot to learn.

If you would like to reply to or comment on this blog post, feel free to email me at efe@mmhq.me.