NaPoWriMo 2024 day 13

Pen on top of an open book

Day 13 of NaPoWriMo.

My poem

A limerick sonnet.


They told me to put in the bin
My hoodie, my watch, and my pen
I got in the machine
The light didn't stay green
So they told me to go in again

They said that my belt was the cause
So I took my entire wear off
They said, "It'll be fast"
They expected a pass
But the machine still discovered a flaw

They claim that this problem is new
They asked if I ate any food
I said, "I eat veggies in general
Because of the minerals"
They said, "Must be the iron in you"

Featured poem

One of my favorite limericks that got me into writing them.


by Monica Sharman

Relentless, insatiable deadlines!
This manuscript’s still full of red lines.
First I’ll sweat through the edits
and check all the credits
then chill with my favorite red wine.

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