My web design toolkit

Tools placed together on a table

As an aspiring webmaster πŸ•ΈοΈ, I spend most of my free time designing, developing and maintaining websites. 🌐 To ease the process, I ensure that I choose the best tools available on the market.

Choosing the wrong tools could lead to you doing the wrong work (like fixing issues caused by interfacing layers) or more work than necessary 🐒 (like having to satisfy the requirements of some framework. Yes, I'm looking at you TypeScript).

On the other hand, choosing the right tools can help you get things done much faster and with simpler and scalable results.🦸

What makes a good tool?

When I'm choosing a tool, I make sure that it is:

There are other factors, but the ones listed have the highest priority to me.

What are the tools for?

I use the tools for what I call the Five Fingers of Web Design:

I group my tools in to those five categories.

Tools for strategy

I use these tools to research and discover the target audience, then plan the next steps of execution.

Tools for design

I use these tools to craft my designs.

Tools I run on my browser:

Tools I install on my computer:

Tools for development

I use these tools to bring my designs to life. (Mostly frontend work.)

Tools I install on my computer:

Tools I run on my browser:

Tools I run in my terminal:

Tools I want to try:

Tools for deployment

I use these tools after the website has been deployed to the server. (Mostly backend work.)

Tools for analytics/marketing

These tools are used to monitor your impact or keep my client's customers coming back.

For any of my clients:

For my websites:

The bottom line

My goal is to employ as little tools as necessary to get the job done when creating websites. This benefits everyone:

Now that's something I can scale! βš–οΈ

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